I is plum wore out
I is so sorry peoples . . .
I is the biggest blog-slakker.
I is plum wore out.
I picked up a photo-hog job doing portraits for a local school extree-curricular activity group and been shooting ever day. And I gots 2 more schools askin to do theirs also.
Since I is a one-woman show, I gets to do all the photo-shootin proof-makin croppin zit-repairin touch-uppin portrait-finishin all by myselfs.
but DUDE I can smells the MONEY and that make the Doo-chickie HAP-HAP-HAPPY!!!!!!!
I is the biggest blog-slakker.
I is plum wore out.
I picked up a photo-hog job doing portraits for a local school extree-curricular activity group and been shooting ever day. And I gots 2 more schools askin to do theirs also.
Since I is a one-woman show, I gets to do all the photo-shootin proof-makin croppin zit-repairin touch-uppin portrait-finishin all by myselfs.
but DUDE I can smells the MONEY and that make the Doo-chickie HAP-HAP-HAPPY!!!!!!!