C Doo Dah's Chitter Chat: RED FRIDAY / Friday Feast 102 <$BlogMetaDatCa$>

Friday, July 14, 2006

RED FRIDAY / Friday Feast 102

Name one thing nice that you could do for someone else today.

I could lay on my stomach and let one the chilrens give me a neck/back massage and the udder chilren can rub peppermint lotion inta my feets. Dat be real nice.

When was the last time you were frightened by the weather?

Well, them galloping pigs flyin thru the air the udder day done skeered me real good.

What would you say is the most useful website or blog that you visit?

I just hates tootin my own horn, but nobody ever visits my blog for pictures.

As fer useful, I wood hafta say thisun:
useful website to visit

Main Course
Who was your favorite singer/group when you were a child?

I shore did like them lil boys that sang about the bad apple. My momma called me a bad apple so I guess I kinda unnerstood, and it helped me knowed I wouldnt spoil the whole bunch.

Do you have any rituals? If so, what are they?

Well, shore do! I gets up in the mornin and I eats breakfast. Then, round bout noon, I eats my lunch. Come later like 6 ta 7, I eats supper, then pert near 11 I falls back ta sleep.

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What is Friday's Feast and how can I join the table?
click here : Friday Feast
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Why am I blogging in all red and WTF is Red Friday?
click here: RED FRIDAY


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ll gets da lotion, and starts at da feets!

9:14 AM CDT  
Blogger Monogram Queen said...

Ooh I would die if somebody rubbed lotion on my feet. I almost can't stand a pedi! LOL Happy Red Friday Doo Dah!

9:16 AM CDT  
Blogger Doo Dah said...

Sal & Loco- ya'll can rub my feets anytime. Sal you takes the left and Loco you takes the right and BOF ya'll can work yer way up.


Happy Red Fri to you too babe, Patticake ;)

11:29 AM CDT  
Blogger Fame said...

I have a red shirt on today!! Just for you. This was funny, thanks for making me laugh in the afternoon.

12:12 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmm, love to!

12:45 PM CDT  
Blogger Angela said...

You're hysterical with your Southern slanging..:-)
Have A Great Weekend!!!

7:04 PM CDT  
Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Damn...it's been so long since I had a back massage, I forgot what they're like!

6:38 AM CDT  
Blogger Lynilu said...

Cute! But I do visit the other blog!! Until yesterday, you hadn't updated in a little while, so there!! I do love the butterfly.

11:58 AM CDT  

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