C Doo Dah's Chitter Chat: I got my jersey on already <$BlogMetaDatCa$>

Friday, September 05, 2008

I got my jersey on already

The Doo chickie is an avid NFL fan, and if'n ya knows me well 'nuf, you know who I will be rootin fer on Sunday.

Oh yea, I bleed black and gold. Always have, always will.

...this dude one HOT fukker, just need ta stay off'a his bike, we seed him at a bowling alley with Bettis in Pittsburgh one time, was such a nice young man that when I tooked his pic and thanked him, I gaved his cheekie a squeeze, and gallies believe you me, there weren't no squeeze in that tight arse of his:

...then there is my tazmanian debil boi, he the reason the jersey I wear in bed is #43:

...and this dude, no words can describe him. What a happy fukker. If ya watches NFL and has the pleasure to see him make one of his wild acrobatic catches, you knows that he does ever one with the hugest smile on his face. Even when ya sees him get smacked so hard you go "EW OW" and cover yer eyes and peek to see if he ok, he jumps right back up smilin ear ta ear:

...ok, so we tough, our new coach has his freshman year behind him and has the curve the nerves down and he gonna doo like Roethlisburger did his sophomore yr and get ring #6 for the other hand:

Ya'll probably think I watch football fer the hawt lookin dudes now. Well, kinda sorta. Yee effin HAW it shore nice to see men in tight britches. There aint no mystery about what they packin, if'n ya knows what I mean.

Ya'll have a great weekend, see ya on Monday, and...


Blogger Al said...

doo dah: I want a redo on the Superbowl that the oficiating crew took away from the Seahawks. Seahawks gonna spank some Steeler butt.

8:29 AM CDT  
Blogger Doo Dah said...

the Steelers kicked their butt so bad it STILL stinging?

Sorry, it was a ROMP, the officials arguement doesnt fly.


8:39 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh a doo does so well in her candid pictures of her favs.. what fucking spankable men you have there! *yikes* have a fabulous day, doo.

8:51 AM CDT  
Blogger Monogram Queen said...

You kill me! I can't believe you squeezed Big Ben's Ass. You are my hero!

8:51 AM CDT  
Blogger Elle Dubya said...

ben can ride his bike as long as he wears a friggin HELMET!!!

2:07 PM CDT  
Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

"Ya'll probably think I watch football fer the hawt lookin dudes now. Well, kinda sorta. Yee effin HAW it shore nice to see men in tight britches."

I'll admit it makes the game MUCH more interesting, that's for sure! I'm more a college ball girl myself. Get this...my favorite team is the FSU's Seminoles...but my favorite player is The University of Florida's Gator hottie (and one AMAZING FRIGGIN' quarterback) Tim Tebow.....I can't take my off that guy when he's on the field....he's a smokin' hottie!

2:44 PM CDT  
Blogger Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Oops...that was SUPPOSED to say "I can't take my EYES off that guy when he's on the field..."

Damn...I am SO glad it's Friday...;)

Anyway, I blogged about my lust for Tim yesterday...:)

2:46 PM CDT  

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