Intra-ducin myself
I have been given so much shit fer not havin my pic on my profile & blogs. Ok, it took me 3 photos and hours of playin with them before I was happy 'nuf to settle on this'en.
Then, the dern blog wouldnt upload one from my pc, had to post this and then use the URL, well, much too confusin' fer a simple chick like me. Dammmm, I must be the only one on the face of this earth who dont get this computer shit.
YES, I blurred it on purpose. Not my best photography, dern hard to take yer own pic in a mirror, I might add. Well, ya wants ta look at sumptin purty, look at the Fresh Eyeballs blog, cause I taint that purty.
Hi, I am Doo Dah, nice ta make yer acquaintence.
Hi Doo Dah, nice ta make yer acquaintence !
You know what? My work blocks the photos anyway, for the most part, so I cain't see ya no how.
Some of the more sneaky photos slip through, but I don' know how they do that.